
Márk Sági-Kazár

Head of OSS at OpenMeter

Company: OpenMeter

Stream: А

Time: 11:00 - 11:45

Country: Hungary

Language: English

Talk: Frictionless CI/CD with a Dash of DevOps

About the Speaker

Mark is a dedicated technical leader and software engineer specializing in building Cloud Native and Open Source software. His passion for Open Source has led him to make substantial contributions to various projects.
As an active community member, Mark organizes various meetups and community events. He is also a regular speaker at podcasts, meetups, and conferences.
In 2023, Mark was honored with the title of CNCF Ambassador in recognition of his unwavering commitment to the Cloud Native community.

Talk: Frictionless CI/CD with a Dash of DevOps

In the fast-paced world of software development, CI/CD have become essential practices. However, the implementation of CI/CD often introduces friction between developers and platform engineers, leading to inefficiencies and conflicts. This talk explores the root causes of these tensions and demonstrates how applying DevOps principles can bridge this gap. As a practical solution, we will introduce Dagger, a portable, programmable CI/CD engine. We will showcase how Dagger can help shift the developer mindset to think of CI/CD as code and how sharing ownership of CI/CD resolves tension between teams, leading to a happier workplace.